Tuesday, 22 May 2012

About to be redeemed.

Some believe the sins of our fathers lives on to create havoc on the next generation or so. At first I tend to think otherwise, it is natural human behavior that we master our own destiny rather than it being controlled by a higher power or an entity beyond our understanding. At times I too lack the natural instinct that I should be accustomed to now without questioning its supremacy, I have myself to blame for that, wanting at times. It is the realization of the presence of God that reignites the belief and the faith that in time all will be moved to its rightful place. Every altercation done by men to suit its current status will be reversed. This natural change was bound to happen. As we speak it is happening and no one can stop it. Redemption is an inevitable  process that can never be walked over.  As of today it hurts me more then I can say that we are now in a state of war, the war chests are being dusted slowly, the war temperament is being triggered. Lo and behold this war will be a testament to the resolve of the few remaining believers in a proud and strong nation free of greed and self interest, the politicians will not be spared as well. It is as though nature has become one with the crying souls of this land.  

In Gods Time. 

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Where Eagles Dare

The succession of a new leader or visionary to carry things forward to the future is always a critical issue depending on which field he is in. The competition begins as soon as the holder declares his status of relinquishing the position.  One has to study the behaviour of eagles to understand why it is King of the sky. In stormy winds it is the only bird that dares to take flight. Maybe it is an inbuilt system by God to show us the magnificense of this animal and maybe learn something from it and almost draws a similar comparison to the breaking of the open ocean on the reefs. In it's tumultuous and aggressive approach it is suddenly brought to its calmness along the reefs and it leads to the question of how nature deals with its own aggression and how the master architect puts in place natural objects to show the way of how amidst all the turmoil and ambiguity clarity is obtained.  May God provide for us abundantly and his choosing be respected and accepted till eternity.