The war cry of the Madjudju clan. When I heard the stories of this clan and their conquest I tried to relate it to their so called war cry. In villages I have gone to, some have forgotten or do not know the meaning of their war cry which somehow depicts the temparament of their society as a whole. For this particular clan KOBA NA BASIRI is defined as an eveloping body that swallows everything in it's path. It can be likened to a landside a close comparision but it incorporates a number of people moving as compared to a landslide. Such was the characterization of this clan in the aftermath of a battle. In following the different war cries around Fiji one can gather quite an astounding collection of combat tactics operated by this so called cannibals. In Fiji we are lucky that we have the NLC that stores such valuable information but is left underutilised. Ohh how we have been enveloped by so called modern education but I have yet to see a notable integration of the two my lifetime maybe never, from education to engineering to agricultural and many more and bring it to a certian standard that we have nowadays. Suddenly the indigenous Fijians have become a consumer oriented people. We have relied so much on these new system that we have failed to recognize the fact that we are alienating ourselves from wisdoms that can save us from being dummies in this system. For this is a battle of ideas and systems and it is fought in solitude from the naivity of the human race. The influence of indigenous Fijians in the Pacific is shrouded in myths and legends but the names of places is testament of this once blazing flame. On the islands of Ha'apai in Tonga if I'm not mistaken their is an island called Matuku, claims have been made that this names were brought during the conquests of the Tongans during Maafu's time. Going through history before the Maafu insurgency into the Lau waters the name has been there and has been linked to the earliest settlers of the eastern Pacific. In Auckland New Zealand there is a Matuku which I believe would have a Maori clan that resides over it and would be interesting to hear their stories, there are others in the Pacific and it would be interesting reading. For those who came in late, if ever there was a thinking that Fiji is a defenceless autonomy, I believe we were blessed from the beginning of time and we will continue to be. Then the acceptance of the Living God by our ancestors to replace our idols and belief in other superbeings have only bolstered and assured our existence that we will flourish. While we enjoy peace we are also aware that the enemy can strike at any time. There is no substitute to the survival of our race, if it is threatened by any means, extraordinary events will unfold, even if one of our own is bought to instigate such a move that is detrimental to our existence there will be a natural phenomenon.
This should never be mistaken as trying to revive the religion of our ancestors but think along the line of say breathing, it doesn't take an effort, you just inhale and air goes in exhale it comes out, think scientifically, facts, logic youll' be able to relate to these blogs. If you're full of shit then too bad you're already lost.