Tuesday, 17 April 2012

True modernization

Since independence, this concept or idea has not fully materialized. If our current situation is something to be described as our current status in modernization then I would say its a big pile of crap,shit for that matter and we are living in it. We think we speak, dress and behave like other modernized society that that is it, hell no, the problem with our early modernizers is lack of vision. I have always thought that previous leaders were narrow minded (lacked vision) and passive, coming to grips with our real situation and I haven't been proven wrong. The only thing that is rife in Fiji is opportunist and dangerously so the so called who's who of Fiji, what a bunch of glory seeking arseholes and scum of the earth group. All of them the responsible Itaukei groups and the other races who have turned this place into a struggling economy. But we are an educated society, civilized for that matter....I've got this to say to that GOD HELP US ALL.

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