Thursday, 16 August 2012

Misrepresentation or wrong association

In my opinion this is rife in our community maybe for a defiency in mental capacity or just outright stupidity. Lately I've noticed that people in our community are quick to associate a word to an organisation or movement. For example a Fijian says Soul its quickly associated with Souls to Jesus or any word for that matter without being properly grasped a similar example would be the word "GAY" it used to mean happy but now its just being associated with "homosexuals" a stolen identity if I may it should be called that (homosexual) because its a freak of nature, a craving for the same gender something is certainly not right somewhere. I believe this association stole that . If that is the case, how are we going to move further and if foreigners are quick to grasp the meaning before our very own, good for them at least they are not as stupid as some us are and as some of them are. We cannot change the past but if we are to build a new nation based on its influential people thinking along this line, we might as well start thinking of massive insurance deals or complete overhaul of the system. It is no surprise that when extraordinary things happen in our country people are bemused mainly for their lack of belief or understanding that it is possible. It is this type of people we need to be aware of. I have long expirienced this through my school days and I have found out that we will waste our time in trying to convince them. Just do it sit back and watch them marvel and listen to their analysis and their insight on what is happening, sad to say you can't catch what you can't see. I tell you I'm enjoying this and savoring every little moment the twists and turns. The mode of these events are landslide and tsunami with a pinch of whipstorm and a slight flooding if you wanna call it that. I understand you didn't get a single thing I just mentioned, well all Icansay is catch up or you'll be left behind WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY BEHIND. Okay wrong associaters, is that a word,you get my meaning I might just have a little fun with you guys. Don't I just make you think with subsequent bursts of anti-climatic intervals and it goes on and on and on. One moment you think you got it the next, no it's like this well I never meant it to be that way but hey you came along lets get it on.

Sign out with John Cenas signature gesture.

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