When this name issue came up, trying to have a common identity and being called Fijian I felt a little outdone. Come to think of it was quickly approved without extensive consultation. Mr Yabaki encountered alot of resentment and disaproval from the Fijian community in contrast to his submission that led to the use of the name, I felt a decision was already made and if this was just a show to make us think that our opinion matters which I hope will not be the case in this constitution consultation process, whatever the outcomes we must remember everything done dishonestly will not survive long and will become an embarrassing legacy for those who are pushing it through. The fear of GOD is certainly missing. This subject will continue to linger on without proper closure if the resentment is still there like an unhealed wound, a little scratch and it would become a sore again. Contemplating on it lead me to the story of the two women in the proverbs who went to Solomon to settle their disputes on who should have custody of the infant child that was living. The one who had lost hers agreed that they should split literally cut the child in half and the other whose child lived decided to be given to the other woman so that the child would survive. In the end to keep it short King Solomon decided to give the child to the woman who felt that the child should live and the other woman be hung and killed. Pause, reflection.
I found this issue of having a common name to be a bit similar or having a plot similar to it. The name being the child and the mothers the races whose name is being disputed.
I leave it to the floor.
I found this issue of having a common name to be a bit similar or having a plot similar to it. The name being the child and the mothers the races whose name is being disputed.
I leave it to the floor.
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