Friday, 16 March 2012

The greatest fear

I have always felt that greatness or power left unchecked could lead to certain chaos. Complacency in rendering the deserved attention can be detrimental to you and your surroundings. Men are capable of achieving great things given the right focus and attention to the task. There still remains a level or limit to our pursuit. We have quotes which says "The sky is the limit"and many more which states where theres a will theres a way. I do not have any quarrels with The Will, it is the recognition of its limit that I am stressing. When men try and become gods or the overruling authority over an entity. If one of Gods own ceation the sea has its coastline for it to recede, then I believe as part of nature we dig deep to isolate and acquire its consequences.The fear that you might consider yourself greater then God himself. At this stage, you are lucky if you are aware of your shortcoming and redirect your approach on everything you do before its too late. Though such a short paragraph for a title so vast but history has been a collection of such human endeavours. Go to the library or surf the web.

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